Film info
Film summary
In 2010, Haiti was hit by a devastating earthquake. But the Haiti people suffered most in the aftermath of the earthquake due to their limited capacity, as a Less Economically Developed Country, to respond to the disaster.
Key facts
- On 12th January 2010, a magnitude seven earthquake destroyed 97,000 homes in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
- As an LEDC, Haiti suffered devastating primary and secondary effects, including water contamination and an outbreak of cholera.
- Haiti lacked adequate resources to launch an effective short-term response and medical facilities were insufficient.
- Distribution of financial aid was hampered by logistical problems and long-term responses were slow to take effect, as six months on rubble remained untouched.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
This is Port-au-Prince before the 12th of January 2010.
On that date a devastating magnitude 7 earthquake struck Haiti.
Hundreds of thousands of people were killed, injured or displaced.
Its force meant that some level of destruction was unavoidable. but the impact of natural disasters is often worse in LEDCs, or …
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