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Film summary
How small is an atom? Comparing the size and number of atoms in tiny objects.
Key facts
- Facts about the scale of an atom, for example:
- Atoms are very small - they are 100 million times smaller than a mosquito.
- An atom is a tenth of a nanometer in size, and a millionth of the width of a human hair.
- An atom's size is measured in angstroms. An angstrom is equal to 1/10,000,000,000 of a meter.
Atoms are small – really really small
But how small?
Length of a mosquito – 1 centimeter
Atoms wide: 100,000,000
Width of a human hair –100 micrometers
Atoms wide: 1,000,000
Diameter of HIV virus – 100 nanometers
Atoms wide: 1000
Thickness of bacteria cell wall – 10 nanometers
Atoms wide: 100
Width of …
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