Film info
Film summary
The adaptations of predators and prey are vital for their survival, and help to drive the evolution of species.
Key facts
- Predators are animals that kill other animals for food - their prey.
- Predators have evolved a number of physical and behavioral adaptations to help catch their prey.
- The cheetah uses its camouflage to stalk prey at close range.
- Animals who are preyed upon have also adapted to outwit the predators, e.g. a seal's whiskers are sensitive to sound vibrations and can detect even slight movement of polar bears.
Predators are animals that kill other animals for food, their prey.
The attacking predator and defending prey each make life-and-death decisions.
Finding the right strategy is a complex task.
Predators have evolved a range of physical and behavioral adaptations to catch their target.
If this lioness attacks the zebra from behind, the zebra …
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