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Film summary
Over 2,000 years ago, a little known civilization called the Moche dominated the north coast of Peru. Huge palaces and amazing artifacts were abandoned, buried under sand after a mass evacuation. Why?
Key facts
- Fossils and artifacts found on Peru's northern coast provided evidence of a civilization that was destroyed by extreme climate change - a mega El Niño.
- The images adorning pottery and the human remains found suggested that the Moche used human sacrifice to try and affect the weather.
- Climatologists suggest that from 560 to 650 AD there was 30 years and drought, followed by 30 years of flood in the region.
- This mega El Niño would have created famine and pestilence within the Moche community - and could be behind their demise.
South America
Here on the northern coast of Peru, in a remote desert area, is the hidden ruin of a little-known ancient civilization.
2000 years ago, a people called the Moche built richly decorated palaces to rival the majesty of the pyramids.
Moche Civilization
100 AD
But by 700 AD it was all …
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