Film info
Film summary
See how two boxers fare in a match, and discover how the chemicals in our body influence whether we win or lose.
Key facts
- The brain's reaction to winning and losing is hard-wired.
- When a boxer realizes he is about to win a bout, his brain floods his body with dopamine and endorphins to relieve exhaustion.
- Epinephrine is released to help the boxer stay alert and speed up recovery.
- His opponent's brain is also reacting to his loss – cortisol and epinephrine are released, causing anxiety and slowing his heart.
The brain's reaction to winning and losing is hard-wired.
Whatever the situation your body reacts in the same powerful way.
When the boxer realizes he is about to win, his focus becomes sharper and his reflexes become faster.
Once the win is his, the boxer's body and brain surge with a variety …
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