Dec. 31, 2013, noon
Happy New Year! The United Nations have named 2014 the International Year of Crystallography, marking 400 years since Kepler first examined the symmetry of snowflakes.
Watch How do Snowflakes Form? to learn more about the dazzling diversity of ice crystals.
Dec. 12, 2013, noon
DNA retrieved from a 400,000-year-old leg bone has raised new questions about human evolution.
Watch Homo Sapiens to learn more about the origin of our species.
Nov. 20, 2013, noon
On 9 November, Super Typhoon Haiyan broke records by making landfall with wind speeds over 315 kilometers per hour..
Watch Different Types of Aid to discover more about emergency aid.
Nov. 7, 2013, noon
Using specially modified mice, scientists at Kyoto University have found a way to “reset” the part of the brain responsible for keeping track of time, raising the possibility of a cure for the effects of jet lag. Watch Time Zones to learn more about why international travel disrupts our body clocks.Jan. 30, 2012, noon
Twig interviews Tom Whyntie, a researcher on the Large Hadron Collider, about the potential discovery of the elusive Higgs Boson.Jan. 20, 2012, noon
Scientists have discovered bacteria which can survive in extreme conditions similar to those found on Mars.Jan. 18, 2012, noon
Research has revealed one possible truth behind the story of Viking 'sunstones'.Jan. 4, 2012, noon
December 2011 gave us the last total lunar eclipse until 2014.Dec. 6, 2011, noon
Scientists have created a car that is made of a single molecule.Nov. 24, 2011, noon
In a rare occurrence, two new elements – 114 and 116 – are to be added to the Periodic Table.